Anything as a Service (XaaS)

Wind It Up and Let It Go

Imagine if your business’s technology, anything from your unified communications infrastructure to your software, were just taken off your hands. By providing these as a cloud service, Verity Partners can reduce your capital expenditures into smaller operational costs. Let us know what you would like to unload, and we can determine where this approach may improve workflow and cost savings.

Some examples:

  • Desktops-as-a-Service / Virtual Desktop
  • Cloud Unified Wireless
  • Unified Communications
  • Software-as-a-Service for accounting packages, construction management systems


The Challenge: “Our business uses digital signage that delivers real-time data, but maintaining it is distracting our in-house team from our primary needs.”

The Verity Solution: Let Verity step in and devise a way to streamline the process for your digital signage. Embedded devices allows machines to connect to each other, essentially cutting people out of the process. This is only one example—we can also simplify access control systems, emergency notification systems, vessel tracking, and more. If you have something else in mind, just ask us. We can engineer a way.